Welcome to WordPress

You’re live! Nice. We’ve put together a little post to introduce you to the WordPress and get you started. You can manage your content by signing in to the admin area at “your-site.com/wp-admin/”. When you arrive, you can go to Posts to either add new post or edit existing one from the list.

Getting Started

WordPress uses blocks to create website content. Click the (+) button and you will see available blocks. Go ahead and experiment it yourself.

Writing in the editor is really easy. In paragraph block, you will see a row of buttons above that can be used to format the content. Where appropriate, you can use CTRL+I or CTRL+B as formatting shortcut.

There’s a List block too. For example:

Or with numbers!

  1. Remember to buy some milk
  2. Drink the milk
    1. Make sure it’s not expired
    2. Finish in one gulp
  3. Tweet that I remembered to buy the milk and drank it


Want to link to a source? No problem. Paste in url, like https://wordpress.com/ then select it and click the Link button – it’ll automatically be linked up.

You can also customise your anchor text. Here’s a link to the WordPress website. Neat.

What about Images?

You can simply drag and drop the image to this editor. Or select Image block and choose how you want to add it.

Want to add caption? That’s easy too. Click on the Image block and you will see “Write Caption” field below.

This is a caption


Wisdomous – it’s definitely a word.

Sometimes a link isn’t enough, you want to quote someone on what they’ve said. It was probably very wisdomous. Is wisdomous a word? Find out in a future release when we introduce spellcheck! For now – it’s definitely a word.

Ready for a Break?

Select Separator block and you’ve got yourself a fancy new divider. Aw yeah.


Select Gallery block and choose the images. Then click the block and you can configure it from the sidebar

Columns Layout

Columns is a tidy way to place image on the left or right.

Currently it only supports same size column, but you can kinda customize it by adding CSS Class in Advanced tab.

That should be enough to get you started. Have fun – and let us know what you think 🙂